Infant Massage Newcastle
At Infant Massage Newcastle, we believe that all new parents have an innate wisdom when it comes to meeting the needs of their new baby and when supported by their community secure attachment can be nurtured.
In a unique program developed to foster the bond between parent and child, you can learn to communicate with your baby through massage and nurturing touch.


Rochelle Dorman
Certified Infant
Massage Instructor
Infant Massage Newcastle was established by Rochelle Dorman a Primary School Teacher, Trainer of Educators in Cue-Based Infant Massage and Parent-Infant Relationship Education, Certified Infant Massage Instructor and mother of two.
Rochelle has a passion for supporting parents and making a positive difference to their lives during the pre and post-natal period.
The philosophy behind the business stems from a belief that all new parents have an innate wisdom when it comes to meeting the needs of their new baby and when supported by their community, secure attachment can be nurtured.
Through the facilitation of the 5 Week First Touch Program new parents have the opportunity to be connected with other families and receive sound information in an intimate, compassionate and empathic environment.
“My role as a Certified Infant Massage Instructor (CIMI) is to facilitate and help enhance the loving relationship between infant and parent. Infant massage is an ideal medium, because it naturally encompasses all of the elements of the bonding process”